Snap4City: a framework for rapid implementation of Decision Support Systems and Smart Applications.





Snap4City makes smarter your solution, city, or company

Everything You Need to Make Solutions Smarter

Snap4City Platform

Snap4City is a 100% open-source FIWARE Platform and Solution by DISIT Lab of the University of Florence, Italy. It supports cities and businesses to improve performance and reduce costs by connecting all management and control domains.

Snap4City is a data management platform that helps communities and organizations to manage data on-cloud and/or on-premise. We operate in more than 40 locations in Italy, Spain, France, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Finland, Belgium, Greece, Croatia, Israel, and Sweden.

The usage of Snap4City brings improvements and benefits to efficiency, costs and innovation. The low costs of implementation is an important plus.

Snap4City can be freely installed on-premise. Its impact has been demonstrated in many solutions, pilots, projects, and trials.


FIWARE was adopted by Snap4City in 2016, making it an official Powered by FIWARE Solution. Thanks to FIWARE’s openness, interoperability, and spread, it has faster integration and exploitation of the IoT aspects in the Smart City.

The main usage of FIWARE technology by Snap4City has been for Smart Industry and Smart Cities. .

Orion brokes FIWARE is a core part of the Snap4City solution, and it has been used in the cities such as Florence, Antwerp, Pisa, Livorno, Modena, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Dubrovnik, Lonato del Garda (for Smart Parking), as well as in several other activities (REPLICATE H2020, RESOLUTE H2020, TRAFAIR CEF, Sii-Mobility, SODA of ALTAIR, 5G MIUR, MOBIMART, HERITDATA, and PC4City).

Snap 4 Solutions

Snap4City: The Future of Living Environments

Cities rapidly transform their services to address current societal, environmental, and economic challenges. Vertical smart solutions are  replaced by solutions capable of exploiting a vast range of data channels.

Today, there are still many goals and criteria targeted by city/area (SDG, 15 Min City Index, etc.). Snap4City with its flexible and dynamic platform can put a city in complete control of its operational objectives.

Snap4Industry: Winning Together the Digital Transformation of Industry and Manufacturing

Today, there are still many criteria specific to each industry: reduction of costs, prediction of maintenance, increasing quality of production, etc.

Snap4Industry can provide solution to the above challenges with an integrated platform collecting data from production, administration, energy, maintenance and optimizing costs and efficiency increasing your level of control in a seamless manner and increasing profits.

Snap4Developers: The Best Solution for the Modern-Day Developer?

Applications come from development tools that takes a considerable amount of time.

Using the Snap4 Framework, developers can quickly produce final smart product in short time, via visual programming in native scalable environment. The environment easily integrate full stack aspects from IoT programming, visual programming, stream programming, big data, data analysis and visual analyitics. So that from data ingestion to business intelligent tools in few hours.

Development becomes streamlined and more efficient when you utilize tested, monitored, and most importantly, the same components across numerous projects. Interfaces between the components are uniform both amongst themselves and externally: ready for implementing communication and cooperation among the different parts. The data models between the systems are standard and can be used in other realms, providing a versatile option.

Need More Informations?

Unifi – Dinfo – Disit
Unifi – Dinfo – Disit
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